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BEBC Announcements



Trail closures from John Neller


Today there were signs announcing that the Interurban Trail between 37th St (north of Emerald Downs racetrack) and Main St in Auburn will be intermittently closed all day from November 11 (this Monday)





Intermittent Closures on Interurban Trail Starting 9/18/23

PSE replacing poles in Auburn/Algona

Puget Sound Energy will be on the Interurban Trail in Auburn/Algona beginning Monday, 9/18.

Work is taking place between 37th St NW through south of 15th St SW. Construction hours are 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., Mon-Fri.  

Due to public safety, sections of trail where crews are working will be closed when setting poles or moving trucks/equipment. Flaggers will be on the trail to direct people around the work area. No detours are available, but the trail will remain open when not actively installing poles. 

Please follow all posted signs and directions from crews. Plan for extra time and/or alternate routes. We will share construction end dates as soon as they become available. 

Map of Interurban Trail closure





From Washington Bikes:


Washington Bikes led efforts to pass the Safety Stop this legislative session. The result:  Washington will become the fifth state in the nation to allow people who bike to treat a stop sign as a “yield.” This change will increase safety at intersections by allowing a person bicycling to avoid waiting in the blind spot of a motor vehicle and to get out ahead of following motor vehicles, creating space and less likelihood for interaction between them. The law will take effect on October 1.


The full article from Washington Bikes is worth reading, especially the part about the share the road plates. .




South End trail/road closures!  (Russell Road)


The closure of the Green River route is suddenly upon us. 


By the end of the next weekend (i.e. July 12) Russell Road will be closed between S 212th St and the 'Powerline Trail' (which is aligned with the footbridge over the Green River located a short distance south of Van Doren’s Landing Park).  This closure is estimated to last until August 2022. 


At some point Russell Road may also be closed in the vicinity of S 228th St.  Signs have been placed showing two detour routes.  The shorter detour route, coming south on the Green River Trail from north of S 212th St, shows what appears to be a crossing of the 212th St Bridge over the river on the south side of the bridge.  The route would then go south on Frager Rd down to the footbridge south of Van Doren’s Landing Park.  The Kent Parks department has mentioned that they may cone off one lane of the bridge, but so far, we have seen nothing done there yet.  If the lane is not coned off, it is difficult to see how a safe crossing of the bridge can be made.  There is another, considerably longer detour consisting mostly of sidewalks which runs east on 212th over to 64th Ave, then down to S 228th St and then west Russell Rd. 


The Kent Parks department has been called but they have not called us back. Until we know what will happen at S 212th St I would recommend using the Interurban Trail.  But it may also be closed soon at S 228th St.




Changes to Amtrak Bicycle services  -


Amtrak has announced Roll-up service for bicycles on Amtrak trains. This service allows cyclists to bring un-boxed non-folding bikes on trains (folding bikes can be taken as carry-on luggage on all Amtrak trains).  See linked document for more details –


     Bike Service Preview 5.2016.pdf


And the Amtrak website –
