
The Boeing Employees Bicycle Club


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BEBC Meetings

Club meetings can feature slide shows of bicycle trips, discussions of cycling safety, and tips on repair, equipment and routes. BEBC meets several times a year at various locations, including a banquet meeting in January, a picnic in August and ride leaders' socials at other times.


Date / Time



Wednesday January 1, 2025.

BEBC Cookie Party


Kay and Chuck will host a post-holiday cookie party at 2:30 pm at their home. Feel free to bring any left-over treats to share the calories. We look forward to seeing you all.

8439 13th Ave SW, Seattle, 98106


Use Google Maps for directions or call 206-351- 7603 for custom directions.





Saturday January 18th

12:00 pm to 2:00 pm.


BEBC Annual Banquet and business meeting   (optional ride to the banquet at 11:30 – see ride schedule for details)


Elliot Bay Brewing Company

255 SW 152nd St





Meeting Minutes (password protected)