The Boeing EmployeesՊBicycle Club


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v  Misc. Bike Links


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Because the Boeing Employees Bicycle Club (BEBC) is supported by the Boeing Company's recreation program, there are restrictions on who may be a member.  There are two categories of members: regular members and associate. 


The following are eligible to be regular members:


v Employees and retirees of the Boeing Company,

v Their legal spouses or domestic partners, as defined by the Boeing Company,

v Their dependent children, as defined by the IRS,

v Government, customer, vendor, or contract personnel assigned full time to support the company, and their spouses and dependents.

v Regular membership form must be completed


The following are eligible to be associate members:

v Former employees who meet the requirements laid out in the associate membership form 

v Immediate families other than those who meet the requirements for regular members described above.

v An associate member must be sponsored by a regular member and must fill out both the regular membership form and the associate membership form.


Membership forms must be filled out completely, including your

e-mail address, and must be signed by the applicant. Boeing employees should provide a mail stop.  Annual dues are $15 for individuals and $20 for families. There is a $10 annual fee for monthly paper copies of the newsletter, rides schedule, and calendar, however all are available for free on this web site. You will receive the memberճ password when you join. Questions? Please email the BEBC president.